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    Information seeking behavior of students: A study on ayurveda campus library
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2017-03) Bist, Kumari Laxmi
    The thesis entitled "information seeking behavior of students: A study on Ayurveda Campus Library" has been carried out with the main objectives:- To find out the collection development of the library, To find out of existing information services of library and To identify the users information seeking behavior, needs and demands of library. The study has been focused along with the Library students who visit there for information seeking purpose. Some of these are closely related to the personal characteristics and traits of students, where as some depend on the information centre and the information systems. Therefore, keeping in mind, the present study is carried out from forty respondents of campus out of one hundred fifty students. Related sixteen literatures have been reviewed in the concerned chapter. The study has focused on the Ayurveda Campus Library. Forty students are selected on this research. They have been selected randomly to make the research more uniform and valuable. The researcher has used a set of questionnaires as his basic instruments of research. The majority finding of the study shows average forty seven percentages of users use text and reference books; but half past forty two percentage users are inadequate collection of materials within library. In another hand, average half past thirty seven percentages of users are mostly familiar with circulation service; half past thirty two users used reference service, seventy present users spent one hour per day for information seeking in library. It is noted that all users used the information for to consult reference materials, to improve professional abilities, to update knowledge in the field of study and increase the time spent in library. So that, the volume of these books and documents should be increased, for effective utilization or familiar of the services, library has to organize orientation services to their new members/users, the library timing should be increased and enhancement of the technology and information. Keywords: Information seeking behavior, Ayurveda Campus Library Kumari Laxmi Bis
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    Knowledge management in the context of Nepalese library.
    (Central Department of library and information science, 2017-02) Dangol, Reshma
    The thesis entitled “Knowledge Management in the Context of Nepalese Libraries” has been carried out as one of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. The objectives of this study are; to find out the practice of KM by the Nepalese Knowledge and information workers; to compare knowledge management of the different knowledge and information workers; to identify the importance of knowledge management today for individual’s communities and organization. There are many barriers and problems in using online resources such as financial, technological, infrastructural and also human resource. Different types of libraries inside the Kathmandu valley were taken as the population of the study. The major libraries of Nepal i.e. TUCL, NNL, ICIMOD, UNIC, WWF, and Kaiser Library are included in it. Similarly, nature of data and data collection were quantitative and qualitative. Further, two methodologies are used i.e. Web-based survey and interviews. Various literature from the Academic, special library, reference library, journals and thesis in Knowledge Management have been reviewed for this study. Primary data has been gathered by questionnaires of a total 103 professionals. Data analysis then was conducted with the SPSS 13 program. Participants were provided with the opportunity to review a draft of summary of findings. Regarding the finding of the study, half of respondents were agreed with the statement of KM, Almost all respondents were aware of the successful implementation of KM in library, three-fourth of respondents agreed with the curriculum largely based on the information systems domains and approaches to KM curriculum to meet the needs of library professionals. It is recommended that KM could be future of present day in Library and Information Science. Institutions, organizations can be renamed as Knowledge management department, resource centers, information centers etc for Library. The further study is recommended on knowledge Management relating to field of Library Science in the field of teaching, learning and practicing as discipline
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    (2017) Nepal, Bimala; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled “STATUS OF THE LIBRARY OF CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT IN TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY” aims to find out the condition of the library of CDM. The study concerns to know whether the management department library accept a wide variety of materials for collection development or not, to determine the users of the library of CDM are being satisfied or not with the resources and Services it provided, to find out the extent of the use of informational Technology (IT). Twenty literatures are reviewed for this thesis. This study has limitations of insufficient citation on department information. Survey method is adopted to collect the user’s responses. 72 questionnaires were provided to the users and the library staffs, only 65 users and 1 library staff responded. Statistical tools like frequency tables, pie chart, bar diagrams, simple proportion are used to organize, summarize and present the data. The survey results show problems on several issues such as methods of document selections, collection development system, document accession method, book issuing facility, use of computer, cataloguing and classification system, library software and use of information technology (IT). Some suggestion offered from the finding of this study are, adequate and proper selection of documents, provide book issuing facility, enhancement of the technical processes and service system, make use of modern facility of information technology through skilled staff
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    “The Use of Smartphone by the Students of Masters of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.Sc.) in Central Department of Library and Information Science”
    (2017) Subedi, Nirmala; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled, "The Use Of Smartphone By The Students Of Masters Of Library And Information Science (MLISc) In Central Department Of Library And Information Science”. General objectives of this study was to assess the use of Smartphone by the students of MLISc the study concern to find out the reasons behind the use of Smartphone by students of MLIS, the frequency of use of smartphone for academic purpose and also to identify the applications of smartphones for academic purpose. Twenty literatures were reviewed for this thesis. The required data and information have been obtained from the primary sources with the help of semi structured questionnaire. It would be useful to library and information science students in determining many opportunities the smartphone technology provides in their academic lives. It involved only undergraduate library science students who were enrolled in the Central Depepartment of Library and Information Science at the time of sampling. Census method was adopted to collect data. A set of questionnaire was used to collect the data from the respondents. Statistical tools like frequency tables, pie chart were used to organize, summarized and present the data. On the basis of the findings of the study, most of the students used smartphone scince last 2 to 3 years (61.11%). 80.56% of them were using android operating system. The reasons behind it were to study, entertainment, and also to communicate with their family and friends. Maximum of them were using it for academic purpose. As they record audio of the class notes, for library references, and watching learning videos. And the other reasons were for socializing and safety. Students used smartphone occasionally to prepare their classnotes. As they installed lots of applications in their phone, most of the applications (88.89%) were for academic purpose. On the basis of this study it is recommended to incorporate smartphone learning application to promote learning among the MLISc students. This study was limited in only 36 students from two semesters of library and Information Science Department. More research should be done in the other faculty. Concerned faculty must be more alive to their responsibilities by ensuring conformity to the college laid down rules and regulations on student’s use of smartphone device during class session
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    (2017) Adhikari, Devraj; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled "User satisfaction in Kathmandu University Central Library" has been carried out as one of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. Objectives of this study are to see the satisfaction of users in KUCL. Review of 13 different national and international literature related to this topic has been done. The research is focused on the study of user satisfaction in Kathmandu University Library, Dhulikhel, Kavre. The population has been selected from Kathmandu University Library students, faculties/ researchers and non-teaching staff. The questionnaire has used to make them fill for the purpose of data collection. The presentation of primary data has been done in tables and figures to understand the study easily to reach for the conclusion. The study was done in 51 respondents. After conduct of the research, the researcher has found that the some users are satisfied but some users said they are not fully satisfied. Textbooks and reference books are the interested field of the users which are followed by research journals, magazine. The majority of users are believe that KUCL does not have sufficient collection that meets their needs and facing problems in KUCL while searching for different library materials. Each and every student was aware with the circulation rules and regulation of the library. Library should provide effective orientation to the new users. Mostly users are agreed that the existing opening hour of the library is convenience. Finally, the summary of the work with conclusion and some recommendations have been presented. The recommendations include improved internet access, more number and varieties of reference books and journals, electronics resources and other facilities
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    (2017) Kafle, Rejina; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled RESOURCES AND USERS’ STUDY OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES (CBEAS) LIBRARY has been carried out. The statement of the problem is to find out user’s satisfaction with the library collection resource and services. The objectives of the study examine the users’ needs about library services, explore the users’ satisfaction on collection resources , library services and evaluate the ICT (Information Communication Technology) facilities. In this study 40 questionnaires were distributed biomedical students they returned 34 (85%) questionnaires for data analysis. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables and charts such as pie-charts, clustered bar for using Microsoft office word and excel. More than 50 literatures have been reviewed previous thesis, research paper, online journal, and related websites for completing this research. The main findings of this research 77% respondents said library is very necessary for biomedical students, 56% respondents visit the library as when needed, nearly 30% respondents given first choice on textbook, 59% library users are not satisfied library services, 79% respondents’ said that main reasons of dissatisfaction on availability of books in library, nearly 60% users are not satisfied of opening time, 65% respondents are unsatisfied on loan books, 100% users are unsatisfied about internet services. Respectively 38% book bank, 47% reference book, 29% circulation, 70% e-resources, 82% periodical, 70% reprographic and 29% OPAC/catalogue respondents said that should be improved. This research recommended that Internet services should have high bandwidth, library should have sufficient textbook and reference books with latest edition, circulation service should be automated, library space should be expanded for using more users, professional librarian should be appointed for improve the library services and library should be e-library services as soon as possible.
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    (2017) Nepal, Bimla; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled “STATUS OF THE LIBRARY OF CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT IN TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY” aims to find out the condition of the library of CDM. The study concerns to know whether the management department library accept a wide variety of materials for collection development or not, to determine the users of the library of CDM are being satisfied or not with the resources and Services it provided, to find out the extent of the use of informational Technology (IT). Twenty literatures are reviewed for this thesis. This study has limitations of insufficient citation on department information. Survey method is adopted to collect the user’s responses. 72 questionnaires were provided to the users and the library staffs, only 65 users and 1 library staff responded. Statistical tools like frequency tables, pie chart, bar diagrams, simple proportion are used to organize, summarize and present the data. The survey results show problems on several issues such as methods of document selections, collection development system, document accession method, book issuing facility, use of computer, cataloguing and classification system, library software and use of information technology (IT). Some suggestion offered from the finding of this study are, adequate and proper selection of documents, provide book issuing facility, enhancement of the technical processes and service system, make use of modern facility of information technology through skilled staf
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    (2017) Manandhar, Sumitra; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    PREFACE This study presents “A USE OF DIGITAL LIBRARY IN KATHMANDU VALLEY”. It focuses on the evaluation of software on the basis of certain important checkpoints. It also highlights the importance of library, library activities and services. Due to the enormous explosion of information, the quantity, variety and complexity of information is being increased rapidly in every field of knowledge. To control and dissemination of this overwhelming flow of information as well as to meet the requirements of the user community, a library professionals should apply the advanced technology in a library and information centers. Computer technology and the availability of electronic databases have increased access to information at an exceptional rate. All libraries must strategically plan in order to meet the demands of patrons wishing to use new technology to access information from databases worldwide. To offer the complete satisfaction of users and perform the library activities and functions, we must select competent and suitable software which can meet out our requirements. Therefore, librarians and information professionals must keep in mind some basic aspects before selection of library software. This study will provide guidelines in the selection or development of appropriate software packages to Nepalese librarians. This research study consists of six chapters. First chapter deals with the introduction of study. The second chapter deals with literature review. The third chapter includes different topics that are focused in the study. Research methodology used for the study including research design, sampling, data collection procedure and data analysis procedure are discussed in the fourth chapter. Fifth chapter presents analyzed data, their presentation and interpretation. Sixth, the final, chapter deals with summary, conclusion and recommendations. It is hoped that, this study will help the interested users to get information about the application of this digital library software in Kathmandu libraries and its user
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    (2017) Khadka, Ganga; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    Social Media has become a popular method for students to share information and knowledge and to express emotions. It enables students to exchange videos files, text messages, pictures and knowledge sharing however different academic institution, educational stakeholder, faculties and parents of the student the above facts disclosed the negative impact of the social media uses on the academic performance of students. In developed countries this area grasps researchers’ attention but in developing countries like Nepal it is unexplored area. Therefore this study helps to identify whether the use of social media by central Department of Library and Information science students’ of T.U helpful their academic performance or not. Seventy literature have been reviewed online and others related study. The objectives of the study find out how MLISc students’ use social media, how social media can be used as a tool for learning, classify the purpose of social media and student perception on the effect of social media. In this research 27 questionnaires in a set were distributed for the MLISc students. Questionnaires were distributed via e-mail, viber, messenger and cell phone. 84.62% questionnaires have been returned. The collected data were analyzed and presented on table and charts. This research has not represented the whole students of country. It only takes library and information science students of (T.U) because of lack of time and financial resources. The key finding of the study shows that every respondent have been using social media 73% respondents used devices of smartphone. 54% respondents were preferred to communicate in English. 73% respondents were using Facebook and 36% respondents used academic purpose in daily. 82% respondents used social m