Knowledge management in the context of Nepalese library.
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Central Department of library and information science
The thesis entitled “Knowledge Management in the Context of Nepalese Libraries”
has been carried out as one of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in
Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. The objectives of this study
are; to find out the practice of KM by the Nepalese Knowledge and information
workers; to compare knowledge management of the different knowledge and
information workers; to identify the importance of knowledge management today for
individual’s communities and organization. There are many barriers and problems in
using online resources such as financial, technological, infrastructural and also human
Different types of libraries inside the Kathmandu valley were taken as the population
of the study. The major libraries of Nepal i.e. TUCL, NNL, ICIMOD, UNIC, WWF,
and Kaiser Library are included in it. Similarly, nature of data and data collection
were quantitative and qualitative. Further, two methodologies are used i.e. Web-based
survey and interviews.
Various literature from the Academic, special library, reference library, journals and
thesis in Knowledge Management have been reviewed for this study. Primary data has
been gathered by questionnaires of a total 103 professionals. Data analysis then was
conducted with the SPSS 13 program. Participants were provided with the opportunity
to review a draft of summary of findings.
Regarding the finding of the study, half of respondents were agreed with the statement
of KM, Almost all respondents were aware of the successful implementation of KM
in library, three-fourth of respondents agreed with the curriculum largely based on the
information systems domains and approaches to KM curriculum to meet the needs of
library professionals. It is recommended that KM could be future of present day in
Library and Information Science. Institutions, organizations can be renamed as
Knowledge management department, resource centers, information centers etc for
The further study is recommended on knowledge Management relating to field of
Library Science in the field of teaching, learning and practicing as discipline
Knowledge Management
Dangol,Reshma(2017).Knowledge management in the context of Nepalese library[Master's thesis,Tribhuvan University].TUCDLIS elibrary.