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PREFACE This study presents “A USE OF DIGITAL LIBRARY IN KATHMANDU VALLEY”. It focuses on the evaluation of software on the basis of certain important checkpoints. It also highlights the importance of library, library activities and services. Due to the enormous explosion of information, the quantity, variety and complexity of information is being increased rapidly in every field of knowledge. To control and dissemination of this overwhelming flow of information as well as to meet the requirements of the user community, a library professionals should apply the advanced technology in a library and information centers. Computer technology and the availability of electronic databases have increased access to information at an exceptional rate. All libraries must strategically plan in order to meet the demands of patrons wishing to use new technology to access information from databases worldwide. To offer the complete satisfaction of users and perform the library activities and functions, we must select competent and suitable software which can meet out our requirements. Therefore, librarians and information professionals must keep in mind some basic aspects before selection of library software. This study will provide guidelines in the selection or development of appropriate software packages to Nepalese librarians. This research study consists of six chapters. First chapter deals with the introduction of study. The second chapter deals with literature review. The third chapter includes different topics that are focused in the study. Research methodology used for the study including research design, sampling, data collection procedure and data analysis procedure are discussed in the fourth chapter. Fifth chapter presents analyzed data, their presentation and interpretation. Sixth, the final, chapter deals with summary, conclusion and recommendations. It is hoped that, this study will help the interested users to get information about the application of this digital library software in Kathmandu libraries and its user
Digital Library