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Submission of 2024 A. D.

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    Managing digital resources : Perspective from managers and users
    (Central Department of library and information Science T.U Kirtipur, 2024-06-16) Sharma, Pooja; Lila Nyaichyai
    Digital resources are replacing traditional paper resources as the primary source of learning materials. When digital learning resources are arranged scientifically, they can be used more efficiently. The thesis entitled, “Managing digital resources: perspective from managers and users” has been carried out to explore the implementation of knowledge management practices in digital libraries and their impact on user engagement and information retrieval efficiency. The research aims to identify key digital resources management strategies that enhance the organization, storage, and dissemination of digital content. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining qualitative interviews with digital library managers and quantitative analysis of user interaction data from two major digital libraries. Altogether 100 digital library users from 9 different schools were selected from random sampling method as a sample population. The survey results suggest positive user experience with the digital library, with users expressing satisfaction in key areas. Mean and standard deviation were calculated to find out the central value and variation in the data obtained from the research. Using the central values and variations from the survey data, it was found that the majority of students view the digital library as convenient, user-friendly, and rich in features, with higher scores reflecting strong approval of multimedia integration and notifications, while lower scores indicate some dissatisfaction with remote access functionality. Digital libraries deserve praise for providing textual and multimedia content, skillfully incorporating multimedia components, and informing users of collection upgrades and additions. One significant feature, though, that suggests potential for development is how easily the system allows users to access resources outside of the school premises. 62.5 % of total users find the digital library's features to be broad and versatile, offering a worthwhile and interesting learning experience. The study concludes with the need of continuous development and updates of the digital content of digital libraries that could lead to sustained relevance and increase usability of the digital libraries. Keywords: Digital Libraries- Nepal, Information Resources- Nepal, OLE Nepal, Nepal Digital Library
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    (Central Department of library and information science, 2024-02-09) Budhamagar, Birjung; Gautam, Sarita
    The thesis entitled “Accessing Electronic Resources by Undergraduate Students at Karnali Academy of Health Sciences” has been carried out to find out role of KAHS library in providing access to electronic resources for the fulfillment of information needs of the library users. It includes electronic data available by remote access and direct access. The objective of the study is to the accessing of electronic resources by undergraduate students. Review of 15 different national and international literature related to this title has been done. This study is a descriptive and user-based survey. This study studies specialized users inside the KAHS library. The primary data are collected through a field survey using the questionnaire. For collecting the required data for the study, 110 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents, and all of the questionnaires were returned successfully. The findings of this research are that the library provided various electronic resources, like Hinari, PubMed, Medline, and NepJol. 58( 53%)of respondents are not aware of electronic resources in the library. 40 (36% )of respondents used electronic resources other than those available at the library. 54 (49%) respondents are satisfied with using an electronic resource available in the KAHS library. Respondents viewed the need for an orientation program on electronic resources use, upgrading the IT infrastructure and keep away from slow downloads them facilitating for gaining access to lower back troubles of electronic resources, to reduce subject in discovering relevant information, encouraging to subscribe AsiaJol, Zlibrary, Emerald, Ebsco Host, Proquest, Mc Graw-Hill, Science Direct, MedCarib, Md Consult, Research Gate, Scopus, Medscape, Clinical Key, Access Medicine, Springer, Wiley, NepMed are also inspired to use. Key Words: Library resources-Electronic, Pub Med, HINARI, Med line, NepJol,Medical Library, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences Library