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Submission of 2009 A.D.

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    Internet as an information resource
    (2009) Prakash Kumar Thapa
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    (2009) Gurung, Kumari; Dr.Madhusudan Karki
    ABSTRACTS This study entitled “User’s Needs and Library Services of TUCL Among MA 1st Year Students (B.S. 2063-64 Batch) of Sociology/Anthropology”, carried out by Kumari Gurung is for the partial fulfilment of the requirement s for the degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. The overall objective is to examine TU Central Library services and needs of user students and to recommend scientific library services in future. This study is based mainly on structured interview followed by group discussion, key informant interview and observation. Structured questionnaire was used and administered to 65 students. The researcher observed library situation, staffs behaviours and daily using activities of students in central library. Discussion was carried out with students by sharing ideas and experiences about of library. Key informant interview was conducted with knowledgeable persons in the TU regarding the users' needs and central library services. Of the total 65 respondents, 55.4 percent were males and 44.6 percent were females. Both male and female students share equal level of knowledge regarding library. Majority of them considered library as a source of information, stock of knowledge and reading place. About 80 percent obtained library membership card and the remaining applied for the card. About 30.8 percent visit library two or more days in a week. Majority of the respondents borrowed text books and mail/internet services at first time in library. In addition, magazine, newspapers and journals were also their priority. However, about 24.6 percent were not satisfied with library as the library lacks choice of suitable text books. Most of the users were not capable to find library services to concern the relevant searching text books, references, cataloguing and bibliography. About 35.4 percent have ever used electronic database. Male respondents were much higher than females in this regard. In addition to TUCL, they also use other libraries such as American library (25.0%), British council library (33.3%) and Social Science Baha (12.5%). v The most common resource the respondents used are text books (81.5%), which followed by newspaper (76.9%), other documents (50.8%), maps (40.0%), press cutting (15.4%), and periodicals (13.8%). Of the total, 61.5 percent expressed that library services are sufficient for user’s needs. Lack of efficient staff, carelessness, irritation, self busy and lack of time tables were the main problems why the students are not satisfied with library services. The respondents were of opinion that TUCL service and facilities should be improved. In some cases they received library services from unskilled staff and feel uneasy. Therefore, an increase material, staff behaviours, expands email and internet is also essential to improve for development of university campus library in future.
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    (2009) Sharma, Bidya; Nirmala Shrestha
    The thesis is entitled ‘A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NEPAL NATIONAL LIBRARY AND KAISER LIBRARY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR SERVICES’. As the title suggests, the work takes a strongly comparative stance regarding the services provided by the two libraries i.e. the NNL and the KLib. The comparison carries its relevance given the close similarities between the two libraries. Both are the government libraries as well as reference libraries. The services they provide to the users are almost similar. The historical backgrounds are also more or less similar, as both of them have been established on the foundations of personal collections. Despite being the libraries of top priority of the government, the numbers of persons visiting these libraries are very low. Moreover, the numbers of visitors in the NNL are even decreasing in the last few years. So it seems that little has been achieved and a lot has to be done in fulfilling their goal of attracting the common people towards them and inculcating the reading culture in Nepali society. So the problem identified for the study was whether the library services provided by them were at par with the users’ expectations. Usefulness of collection, number of library users, budgetary pattern and collection management are some other issues covered during the study. In this context, the objective of the study is to find out, compare and analyze the facilities and the services provided by these two libraries in the light of user’s expectations so that one can learn from the better part of the other. The study also aims to work out the practical solutions for their improvement. As the title of the thesis suggests, the study was limited to the NNL and KLib only and concentrated specially on their services. The significance of the study lies on the fact that this is the very first time that the two libraries (NNL and KLib), which are getting almost equal importance by the government and have a lot similarities, are being studied comparatively in the light of their services. So the findings may be helpful for them to know about their shortcomings and to get suggestions for their improvement. The researcher hopes that this study also makes a base for the further research. v The study focuses on exploring the present conditions of the libraries, the services provided by them to the users, their constraints and the suggestions from both the users as well as the concerning staffers for the further improvement of these libraries. Available literatures regarding these libraries were reviewed through various sources. The research works done in the past found to be very few. Though there had been a few studies on the NNL and the KLib separately on various aspects, no studies had yet been conducted comparing the two. The very few literatures available regarding their studies were reviewed. Besides, concerned literatures including the brochures, souvenirs, the news letters, annual reports, web-sites, government policies and various articles published by various scholars on various journals, magazines and newspapers were also reviewed. Some theoretical review was also done regarding the national library and public library. The study was conducted during 2007 and 2008. Direct observation, interviews and the questionnaires were the methods applied for the study and data collection. Library-users’ opinions were collected mostly through questionnaire. The library staff members were interviewed. Questionnaires were distributed to 50 users in each library on random sampling basis. But only 35 users of the NNL and 40 users of the KLib returned them duly answered. Collected data have been presented in the tabular form and then into diagrammatic representation. The data have been analyzed on the basis of ratio as well as descriptive analysis. The study revealed that both the NNL and the KLib have been suffering by the inadequacy of fund. Though they get lion’s share of the annual budget allocated by the government for the library sector in the country, large sum of the budget found to be spent on staff salaries and administrative functions. The budget for the addition of new books and other facilities is always scanty. The study showed that the demand for the circulation service is high among the users, but both the libraries are not conducting such service. The users also want these libraries extend their opening hours. Both the libraries have been following the government office time-table for their opening. The NNL has been the depository of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). But ironically it has not been able to be the national depository. The NNL’s aspiration to be the national vi depository has yet to be fulfilled by the government through some statutory provisions. So one of the principal functions of a national library to act as a national depository and publish the national bibliography has not been fulfilled. Regarding modernization activities, both the libraries have been automated. The KLib also provides online/internet services to its users, though not sufficient, but the NNL does not. On the other hand, the NNL has larger collection than in the KLib and has been ahead in conducting mobile library services, which the KLib is not conducting. The other services provided to the public in general seemed to be almost similar in both the libraries. But in case of the physical facilities to the users the KLib found to be in better condition. The number of users found to be almost double in the KLib, than in the NNL. Besides being a library the KLib is also a mini-museum with different pictures, paintings and some other forms of artifacts from the past. This has the responsibility of preserving all these artifacts also. The staffers in both the libraries are the government employees. The professional librarians and trained manpower found to be in short supply in both the libraries. The libraries are recommended to review their policies and provide circulation service to the users and extend the library opening hours if possible. Finally the government is requested to initiate necessary steps for the statutory provision of making the NNL a national depository. It is recommended to increase the budget for the addition of more reading materials, facilities and services in both the libraries. It is worth considering that there is a necessity for a separate building for the NNL in some better location. June 2009 BIDYA SHARMA
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    (2009) Sharma, Ganga; Bishnu Prasad Aryal
    This dissertation titled " Special Library Serves Specialist Clientele: A Study of Three Special Libraries of Kathmandu Valley" has been written. The scope of this study has been limited to the information seeking behavior, ways of retrieving information, kinds of information services provided by special libraries and satisfaction of the users of these libraries related to social science, such as Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), and Social Science Baha Library (SSBL). This study tries to find out the existing conditions of their collection and services provided by them to their users also. The study mainly focuses the users of three special libraries and their behavior of seeking and retrieving information on the basis of existing collections and services from the concerned libraries. More than 26 related literatures have been reviewed about special libraries and special needs for information by special users in chapter 2. It has tried to focus on the user's special kinds of information needs and the problem encountered by them and the library itself for the solution and improvement. For this study users of three special libraries have been studied on the basis of their special kinds of information needs as per their qualification, and profession because their behavior creates the motivational factor for the positive attitude toward the use of library effectively and efficiently. Personal interviews have been taken to the librarians and other staffs to state the problems they are encountering while providing the services to their users. On the basis of these problems objectives for the study have been formulated and these objectives provide the ways to collect primary data from the users through the questionnaire. Questionnaire method has been applied to take the primary data. The results of 26 questions are the primary data. There are altogether 220 users in the study group. Among them only 66 in numbers and 30 percent had been taken as the population of the study. From, the distributed questionnaires 64 were returned which are analyzed, organized, tabulated, and calculated. According to the findings of the research, most of the users are of special kinds having variety of information needs with different field of education and profession. Most of the users are found familiar with the existence of the library and they indicated vi their friends as the main source for the information about library. Most of the users visited library for the research purpose so they visited library frequently. Large numbers of users are found familiar with the collection of library; most of them use reports of conference, project, seminar, workshops etc as a main source of information. All the libraries have computers and they use for different purposes. Most of the users indicated in sufficiency of reference materials. It shows that they are not satisfied with the existing collection. Newspapers/magazines/periodicals are found popular sources of information among users. Large number of users has no idea about the classification or shelving system of documents and the library catalogue. They are depended upon the library staff for searching the information. Many users are found familiar with modern information technologies. Modern computerized information services are not available in some of the libraries. Users are not satisfied with the physical facilities too. GANGA SHARMA ACHARYA Central Department of Library and Information Science, T.U. Kirtipur
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    (2009) Khulal, Rekha; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    Khulal, R. (2009). Use of catalogue by university students in Tribhuvan University Central Library: a survey. Unpublished master’s thesis, Central Department of Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. The thesis entitled “USE OF CATALOGUE BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY CENTRAL LIBRARY: A SURVEY” by Rekha Khulal is a study regarding the use of catalogue by the university students of Tribhuvan University (TU) in Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL). The study basically investigates the awareness of respondents regarding the library catalogues and the choice of catalogue system. Moreover, problems faced by the users are also addressed along with the suggestions for their possible solutions. The study is primarily based upon the questionnaire method for the collection of data. The collected data from the respondents are presented and analyzed in order to meet the predefined objectives of the study. The results of the study show that majority of students have the awareness regarding the importance of library but still some of them (35.71%) were ignorant regarding the services of the library. They still use card catalogue though majority of them (52.86%) use both card catalogue and OPAC. Regarding the choice of access point, majority of the respondents (40%) preferred using all the possibilities i.e. subject, author, and title. Majority of the respondents (62.86%) know how to search the documents in the shelves while notable numbers of users (30 %) are still not getting the documents in their proper places. Moreover, majority of the respondents (61.43%) have never used the Internet service provided by the library and search the online database searching in the library‟s website. Some of the respondents (52.86%) think that the OPAC of the library should be well developed while others (47.14%) still opt for the proper management of card catalogue for making effective use of the library resources.