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This dissertation titled " Special Library Serves Specialist Clientele: A Study of Three Special Libraries of Kathmandu Valley" has been written. The scope of this study has been limited to the information seeking behavior, ways of retrieving information, kinds of information services provided by special libraries and satisfaction of the users of these libraries related to social science, such as Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), and Social Science Baha Library (SSBL). This study tries to find out the existing conditions of their collection and services provided by them to their users also. The study mainly focuses the users of three special libraries and their behavior of seeking and retrieving information on the basis of existing collections and services from the concerned libraries. More than 26 related literatures have been reviewed about special libraries and special needs for information by special users in chapter 2. It has tried to focus on the user's special kinds of information needs and the problem encountered by them and the library itself for the solution and improvement. For this study users of three special libraries have been studied on the basis of their special kinds of information needs as per their qualification, and profession because their behavior creates the motivational factor for the positive attitude toward the use of library effectively and efficiently. Personal interviews have been taken to the librarians and other staffs to state the problems they are encountering while providing the services to their users. On the basis of these problems objectives for the study have been formulated and these objectives provide the ways to collect primary data from the users through the questionnaire. Questionnaire method has been applied to take the primary data. The results of 26 questions are the primary data. There are altogether 220 users in the study group. Among them only 66 in numbers and 30 percent had been taken as the population of the study. From, the distributed questionnaires 64 were returned which are analyzed, organized, tabulated, and calculated. According to the findings of the research, most of the users are of special kinds having variety of information needs with different field of education and profession. Most of the users are found familiar with the existence of the library and they indicated vi their friends as the main source for the information about library. Most of the users visited library for the research purpose so they visited library frequently. Large numbers of users are found familiar with the collection of library; most of them use reports of conference, project, seminar, workshops etc as a main source of information. All the libraries have computers and they use for different purposes. Most of the users indicated in sufficiency of reference materials. It shows that they are not satisfied with the existing collection. Newspapers/magazines/periodicals are found popular sources of information among users. Large number of users has no idea about the classification or shelving system of documents and the library catalogue. They are depended upon the library staff for searching the information. Many users are found familiar with modern information technologies. Modern computerized information services are not available in some of the libraries. Users are not satisfied with the physical facilities too. GANGA SHARMA ACHARYA Central Department of Library and Information Science, T.U. Kirtipur



Special Libraries
