Assessing the Effectiveness of Book Bank Services in Selected College Libraries
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Central Department of library and information science
The study examines “Assessing the Effectiveness of Book Bank Services in Selected
Engineering College Libraries: A Study” focuses the three different Pokhara
University affiliated colleges of Lalitpur. This study aimed to explore the availability
of circulation services in selected college libraries, effectiveness of Book Bank services
for textbook distribution as well as finding out the obstacles and suggestion for
effectively running the services in selected engineering college library.
There is a scarcity of existing literature on the topic in Nepal. Limited literature review
for study the subject. Altogether 30 literature review were carried out for this research.
Quantitative research method was employed and using structural questionnaires to
gather the data. 143 questionnaires were distributed to the student purposively who
were visited in their college library from December1st to 15th, 2022, receiving133
responses. Collected data were tabulated for frequency analysis and presented in
percentage. All three selected college libraries were applied Book bank service for
textbook distribution. The findings revealed that 82.71 % of the participants were
visited the library to borrow the textbooks, expressing satisfaction with the book bank
services that was helped alleviate their financial burden for purchasing books and save
time. Most of the respondents’ male students (60%) from the civil faculties (56.4%).
Additionally, 81% of the participants were confirmed the availability of updated
documents, 37.59% participants were faced overcrowding during the beginning of the
academic session due to the in lack of space.58.65% participants were stated that they
do not have about chosen subject. NCIT and CCMT college library offered open access
for student but not UESC college library.
The recommendations include providing the sufficient space for textbook distribution.
Ensuring the availability of updated and relevant subject books, provide open access
for choosing the necessary document and considering the perspectives of librarians and
faculties for comprehensive understanding of the book bank services’ effectiveness.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Book Bank services, Academic session
1.Textbooks, Academic Library
Acharya ,Sarita (2023) .Assessing the Effectiveness of Book Bank Services in Selected College Libraries.[Master's Thesis, Tribhuvan University ].TUCDLIS elibrary.https;// /