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Status of ICT use in school libraries

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Central Department of library and information science


The thesis titled "Status of ICT Use in School Libraries" aims to assess the status of ICT implementation in school libraries and propose pedagogical implications based on the findings of this study. For this, the literature related to ICT use in education, specifically libraries was reviewed. As a quantitative survey research, questionnaires and an observation checklist were used to collect data from 20 selected school library staff. Likewise, SPSS was utilized for data framing and analysis. On the basis of the questionnaire and observation, the main findings indicate that most schools have limited only one computer (45%) and e-library connections (60%) within the last one to three years. However, all respondents (100%) do not use personal mobile phones for e-library management, the majority of respondents find using the e-library easy (95%), and physical libraries coexist with e-libraries (100%). Nevertheless, e-libraries lack e borrowing systems for students (95%). Most students (85%) and teachers (75%) are content with ICT use, while non-teaching staff (95%) had limited responses. Along with the findings of the study, some recommendations were made for the further improvement of the status of ICT use in the libraries in the schools. More importantly, it is recommended to include policy changes to maximize technology in the library system and conduct further studies related to ICT use in school libraries at large scale of data and areas. Keywords: School libraries, libraries automation, library management, Information Communication Technolog



School Libraries, . Libraries-Automation


Humagain ,Sarita (2023).Status of ICT use in school libraries. [Master' Thesis ,Tribhuvan University ].TUCDLIS elibrary. https://elibrary /