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A study on reference services systems of academic libraries in Chitwan

dc.contributor.authorK.C, Pabitra
dc.contributor.authorManandhar, Nira
dc.description.abstractThis thesis entitled "A Study on Reference Services Systems of Academic Libraries in Chitwan" has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master in Library and Information science. The main objective of this study sis to examine and analyze the present existing situation, condition and other services of library and their management for effective organization,. The required data and informative have been obtained from the primary sources and secondary sources with the help of semi structured questionnaire for three campuses libraries were selected in the Chitwan. The reference service is one of the library’s primary services behind acquisition, classification, cataloguing and physical planning. This service provides personalized assistance to library users in accessing and using suitable resources . In this study, the first chapter describes about introduction of the study under which all these back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significant of the study, organization of the study and definition of the terms. The second chapter has dealt with the literature view. The third chapter has described the research methodology. The forth chapter has mentioned the analysis and presentation of collected data. The last chapter has dealt with the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. However, this type of study in the field of library and information science is new research work and it will help to improve the campus library in future. According to the findings of the research, most of the respondents view that the collections of the documents in the library are inadequate. Most of the researcher does not get documents in time due to insufficient number of books, lack of new edition books, staff biasness and delayed return of issued books by library members. 38.30% student visit library for studying reference materials and 32.14% teachers visit library for studying journals and newspapers.. Among all the students 56% suggested for the improvement of the reference collection and 44% are not suggested for the improvement of the reference collection. More than 69% students have knowledge about catalogue system and 57.78% have responded for the necessity of the catalogue system. Majority of students (69%) have replied that the library staffs are helpful. The summary, findings and recommendation have been represented in chapter six. vii They follow the same classification scheme, i.e. DDC. It highlights for the development of library efficient library, services, professional librarian, sufficient budget standard-classification scheme and standard-cataloging system, manpower and user's satisfaction. Modern computerizing and online services are the main problem for the users without which the users cannot get effective information. Therefore, the libraries should improved their conditions and need to be carried out positive attitude of the library users in the existing campus library. It is recommended to provide library orientation to the new users for searching the library materialsen_US
dc.identifier.citationK.C,Pabitra(2019)A study on reference services systems of academic libraries in Chitwan[Master's thesis,Tribhuvan University].TUCDLIS elibrary.https://elibrary
dc.publisherCentral Department of Library and Information Scienceen_US
dc.subject. Reference Servicesen_US
dc.subjectAcademic Libraries,en_US
dc.titleA study on reference services systems of academic libraries in Chitwanen_US


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