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    The changing roles of librarians
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2019-02-08) Jha, Puja Kumari; Manandhar, Nira
    This thesis entitled "THE CHANGING ROLES OF LIBRARIANS" aim to find out the changing roles of librarians at Tribhuvan University Central Library and constituent college libraries of Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu valley. Today, librarians are confronted with new roles during the execution of their work. The main objectives are to examine the competencies and skills of librarians in the current information age, to determine the effects of technology on the roles of librarians, to study the challenges faced by librarians in their new roles. Academic libraries have not sufficient budget to include fully automated system, in those libraries there are many more librarians who worked before 10-15years, they hesitate to adopt and use new technology because they do not have sufficient skills about uses of ICT (Information Communication Technology), these libraries provide especially manual system and little more automated system, and librarians are working in both systems at same time. They feel more difficult to handle both in same time are the major problems of Tribhuvan university Central Library and constituent college libraries of T.U. in Kathmandu valley. The related literature is reviewed from journals, thesis, articles, survey and internet. Totally eleven (11) literatures are reviewed for this study. The current study employed quantitative approaches. The study was descriptive in nature. Purposive sampling was used to select respondents from each of the twenty two(22) libraries. Data was collected using a questionnaire. A population of twenty seven (27) respondents was to be surveyed but only twenty four (24) of them responded to the questionnaire from nineteen (19) colleges. Quantitative data was descriptively analyzed using the MS Excel. The study revealed that the role of librarians at the T.U. has not necessarily changed in terms of duties, responsibilities, functions and processes, but what has changed is the intensity and manner of conducting the role. The main challenge remains that of re training of staff in the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). Therefore the study recommended training of staff in the use of ICTs, acquiring powerful servers to increase bandwidth connectivity and allocating more funds towards various activities. Librarians should take the initiative of keeping abreast with the current information technologies which change with times for them to meet the changing needs of their users and to also keep a breast with the emerging trends.
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    A study on reference services systems of academic libraries in Chitwan
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2019-12-01) K.C, Pabitra; Manandhar, Nira
    This thesis entitled "A Study on Reference Services Systems of Academic Libraries in Chitwan" has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master in Library and Information science. The main objective of this study sis to examine and analyze the present existing situation, condition and other services of library and their management for effective organization,. The required data and informative have been obtained from the primary sources and secondary sources with the help of semi structured questionnaire for three campuses libraries were selected in the Chitwan. The reference service is one of the library’s primary services behind acquisition, classification, cataloguing and physical planning. This service provides personalized assistance to library users in accessing and using suitable resources . In this study, the first chapter describes about introduction of the study under which all these back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significant of the study, organization of the study and definition of the terms. The second chapter has dealt with the literature view. The third chapter has described the research methodology. The forth chapter has mentioned the analysis and presentation of collected data. The last chapter has dealt with the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. However, this type of study in the field of library and information science is new research work and it will help to improve the campus library in future. According to the findings of the research, most of the respondents view that the collections of the documents in the library are inadequate. Most of the researcher does not get documents in time due to insufficient number of books, lack of new edition books, staff biasness and delayed return of issued books by library members. 38.30% student visit library for studying reference materials and 32.14% teachers visit library for studying journals and newspapers.. Among all the students 56% suggested for the improvement of the reference collection and 44% are not suggested for the improvement of the reference collection. More than 69% students have knowledge about catalogue system and 57.78% have responded for the necessity of the catalogue system. Majority of students (69%) have replied that the library staffs are helpful. The summary, findings and recommendation have been represented in chapter six. vii They follow the same classification scheme, i.e. DDC. It highlights for the development of library efficient library, services, professional librarian, sufficient budget standard-classification scheme and standard-cataloging system, manpower and user's satisfaction. Modern computerizing and online services are the main problem for the users without which the users cannot get effective information. Therefore, the libraries should improved their conditions and need to be carried out positive attitude of the library users in the existing campus library. It is recommended to provide library orientation to the new users for searching the library materials
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    Users' Perception towards Reference Materials Available in E-resources in TUCL
    (2019) Gupta, Kumar Shailendra; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    The research entitled '' Users' Perception towards Reference Materials Available in E-resources in TUCL'' has been carried out the main objectives are to find out the information on user's participation of the library, to explore the obstacles to use available E-resources by the TUCL users, to examine the users' satisfaction in using electronic library materials than manual form, to identify the impact of the conversion of manual library materials into E-resources from the users' point of view, to evaluate the usefulness and benefits of electronic library materials in the comparison to manual library materials, to know whether those other library materials are used as reference materials or not. Users are being very passive to search the manual form of library materials and there are being difficulties of getting deep information through keywords, demands of only softcopies of library documents rather than manual, no avaibility of all the library materials as in e-resources are the major problems of TUCL. The related literature is reviewed from books, journals, thesis and internet. The descriptive research design has been followed to reach at the stage of result using structured questionnaire, semi opened and in which 30 questionnaires were distributed and all of them were returned in time. For the questionnaire distribution, purposive sampling method of the whole population in IT section of TUCL had been followed. The data collected from the library users in IT section has been analyzed and presented in tables and in different figures. The major findings of this research are: Most of the users are interested to access those library materials in electronic format as well as in both formats of library materials, there is also very effective role of electronic reference materials in which other library materials such as journal articles, thesis reports etc. are being used by the users as reference materials means they search or locate library materials from those specific materials too except common reference materials, and many of them are interested to access online reference materials etc. Various recommendations were made for the better results and performance such as trainings and awareness programs on library, e-resources update as well as conversion, Inter library relation, friendly environment or infrastructure management, budget maximization, database management and so on.
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    (2019) Chaudhary, Vijay Prakash; Parbati Pandey
    This thesis entitled "A Study on E-library of Curriculum Development Centre" has been carried out as one of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. No study has been found on e-library in Curriculum Development Center. So this study has been conducted. The main objectives of the study are to explore the present status and problems of the e-library of Curriculum Development Centre, Bhaktapur. More than fifteen related literatures are reviewed from books, journals, thesis, website etc. This study has been limited to focus only on the e-library development by CDC. This is a descriptive study and purposive sampling technique has been used and questionnaire and interview instrument has been used for data collection. The study focused on the opinion of respondent’s library users (15 library user and 10 staff members of CDC). The study shows that e-library of CDC is very much useful and important for accessing the right information at right time on the right way. Sixty percent respondent stated the searching techniques are not easy. E-library users and e-resources downloaded also increased exponentially. The e-library should be updated on time; all CDC's publications should be uploaded and upgrade on the e-library of CDC and the management of CDC has manage high storage server for the e-library of CDC. Thus this research study recommends that the e-library of CDC should be publicized through different types of media such as TV, Radio, Facebook and Twitter etc. so that number of users of elibrary would increase in coming days. CDC should give priority for the sustainability of e-library. Keywords: E-library, Resources Space, CDC
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    (2019) Chaudhary, Pratibha; Parbati Pandey
    This thesis entitled “Users' Perception towards Use of Information and Communication Technology in Nepal Law Campus Library” has been carried out one of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Art in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. The statement of the problem is to find out users' perception towards the use of ICT. The major objective of this study is, use of ICT and challenges faced in accessing and using ICT by the users as well as to get views on how to improve the access and use of ICT. The descriptive research design has been followed to reach at the stage of result using structured questionnaire. For questionnaire distribution, purposive sampling technique has used to collect the required data. The collected data has been edited, coded, tabulated and analyzed and presented using MS-excel and word. More than fourteen related literatures are reviewed from books, journals, thesis, websites etc. This study has been limited to NLCL users who came for library visit between 11:00 am to 3:00 pm during the months of May 15- May 31, 2019 has been taken for sample in this research. The result shows that, only 55.56% users are satisfied by the NLCL services. Most of the users i.e. 77.78% had not found digital content in library software. Only 44.44% have got technical support from the library staffs and 55.56% want to improve accessibility and use of ICT in NLCL. Users' demand indicates that the use of electronic information and the shift of print materials into electronic information are essential. It has revealed that users are facing basic problems like lack of guidance, unfamiliar with e-resources, slow internet connectivity etc. The library should manage database, online journal, reliable internet access, availability of computers and electricity, technical experts as well as membership subscription in useful sites should be managed as per the users wish. Hence, NLCL should improve its services accordingly to support academic advancement of legal documents. NLCL should be managed and update their website for betterment of their users.
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    (2019) Basnet, Susma; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled "Users Study at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya Bhaktapur Library, " has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master in Library and Information Science (MLISc). The statement of the problem is that whether the users’ are satisfied or not with the library resources and services. The objectives of the study are to find out frequency of library use, purpose of library visit, evaluation of ICT facility, determine the level of satisfaction on library resources/services, including user’s needs, priorities of the library materials, and suggestion to improve library services. In this research 12 questions in a set were distributed on the basis of classification of four users group: grade XI & XII, BBA, BSc Students, and Teachers selected randomly of SAMB library users. Total 225 questions were distributed in Main Library and Bachelor’s Library for period 15- 20th April 2019. Only 198 (88%) questionnaires have been returned. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables and charts such as histograms, pie-charts, clustered bars using Microsoft office word and excel. Twelve literatures have been reviewed. The major finding of this study shows that 98% users said library is necessary for library users. There are 97% books, 0.03% newspaper, 0.98% journal, 1.86% Audio and Video and 0.07% theses. The available resources are not enough. The library has less newspaper and thesis compare to users. 81.99% students are as the library users. Library users are not satisfied by present book borrowing period and number of books issued. 37.5% users have not attended library orientation class. 45.4% users visit the library for borrowing books. 41.86% respondents said that library catalogue is very good. 58.09% users were satisfied with number of loan books. Only 42.92% users were satisfied with number of loan periods. Respondents gave first priority on textbook. One-third users are familiar with classification & shelving system of the library. 53.03% respondents are not satisfied in collection of the library whereas 28.78% respondents expressed there is sufficient materials. Only 32.82%users are satisfied with use the ICT for the purpose of research.16.9% users said references services are excellent. This study recommended that adding more books. Library orientation should be more emphasis and includes ICT accessibility. Library should extend number of books regularly
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    (2019) Acharya, Pramila; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled "Users' study of M.Phil library of education faculty" has been carried out as one of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University. The main objective of this study is to find out the satisfaction of users in M. Phil library of faculty of education at Kirtipur. In the course of literature review nine empirical and theoretical literatures related to this topic have been reviewed. This research focused on the study of users' satisfaction in M.Phil library of education. The population has been selected from M. Phil library students and research scholars. To explore the opinion of respondents, questionnaires' related with different area of library were developed. Respondents were selected using random selection method. Questionnaire was filled up by 25 users (they are also regarded as respondents). After the data collection, collected data were analyzed and presented in tables. Textbooks and reference books are the interested field of the users which are followed by research journals and magazines. The majority of users expressed their opinion that the M.Phil library lacks sufficient collection that meets their needs and facing problems in M.Phil library. At the same, users of M.Phil library expressed their opinion that there are different problems. Mostly users felt that the existing opening hours of the library is inconvenience. Finally, the summary of the work with finding and some recommendations have been presented. The recommendations included improved internet access more number and varieties reference books and journals, electronics resources and other facilities. Library should provide effective orientation to the new users.
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    (2019) Sharma, Rita; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This study entitled “KNOWLEDGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TOWARDS IMPORTANCE OF CYBER LAW IN UNIVERSITY CAMPUS STUDENTS”. Cyber law knowledge is more necessary for social media criminal cases reducing and it also can play the integrative role for good communication channel developing by using social media but we do not have any rules and regulation for social media users. Based upon the research problem this study answers the following research questionsWhat are the knowledge of social Media towards importance of cyber law, What are the relations between social media and cyber law, Why the cyber law is necessary for social media user, How does the use of social media affect university students' learning. The main objective of this study is to find out the attitude of social media user towards the importance of cyber law, to find out the social media using practice or activities of users. It provides information about the role of cyber law to establish the good environment to social media users especially University students. For the fulfillment of the objectives of my dissertation topic I have reviewed some of works to understand and investigate my research problems. I prepared 200 questionnaire for this research, it makes used of quantitative type of data from social media users of university students with using a purposive research methodology. This research cannot represent the whole students of Nation only include university students. It doesn’t include all types of social media and cyber law. The main findings of this research was 44.5% respondents replied there is role of cyber law in social media, 47% are confused about the necessity of cyber law in social media. In which 41.5% students use social media for entertainment as well as 44.5% respondents are aware about illegal activities in social media. Facebook profile hacking, threatening people for financial demand, black mailing others, hacking others profile and using personal information etc. The good knowledge of social media can change dramatically the education system of under developing country like Nepal. The government should make strict rules and regulations regarding cybercrime. The Cyber Cell Unit should be formed in each and every provinces and states. The government should make online system for registering cybercrimes. The college, universities launch new program in this field for further guidelines for good practice of social media use.