Physical infrastructure and view about christian theological librarianship in Nepal
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Central Department of Library and Information Science
Christian theological library and librarianship is a branch of special library. The
profession of Christian theological librarianship has been started with the development
of Christian theological education based on Biblical faith. This study attempts to deal
with physical infrastructure of library and view about theological librarianship, under
AGSTNP theological library consortium in Nepal. Asia Graduate School of Theology is
a consortium of eight Christian theological colleges to equip church leaders and
believers in Nepal. They have their own library and librarian. Among special library,
Christian theological library is one, having special collection and its users. The Christian
theological library and librarianship is a new topic of study in the context of Nepal due
to its distinct nature and absence of study in the area of Christian theological
librarianship. This study aims; 1) to study the physical infrastructure of Christian
theological library and II) view about the Christian theological librarianship based on
qualification, skill and perception. For this study, few national and many international
researches, studies, articles, journals etc. were viewed. Qualitative research methods
such as observation, and in-depth interviews were used for this study. The study finds
that Christian theological colleges have similar kind of library infrastructures on the
basis of library service, library spaces, reading areas, collections, types of materials,
library cataloguing rules etc. Regarding the view about Christian theological
librarianship, there is a practice of hiring own graduate students believing that
theological students can understand the theological terms and subject, so it is easy to
understand the need of users and understand the vision and mission of parent institution
so that they can work together spiritually. Professional qualification and skill for
theological librarian is less demand due to lack of theological library professionals, their
attitude towards the profession, lack of standard criteria for librarianship and budget.
The study concludes with some suggestions that can be useful in the area of special as
well as theological libraries in Nepal.
. Special libraries-Nepal
Subba,Deepti (2023).Physical infrastructure and view about christian theological librarianship in Nepal [Master's thesis, Tribhuvan University ]. TUCDLIS elibrary. /]