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    Users study at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya Bhaktapur library
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2019-08) Basnet, Susma
    This thesis entitled "Users Study at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya Bhaktapur Library, " has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master in Library and Information Science (MLISc). The statement of the problem is that whether the users’ are satisfied or not with the library resources and services. The objectives of the study are to find out frequency of library use, purpose of library visit, evaluation of ICT facility, determine the level of satisfaction on library resources/services, including user’s needs, priorities of the library materials, and suggestion to improve library services. In this research 12 questions in a set were distributed on the basis of classification of four users group: grade XI & XII, BBA, BSc Students, and Teachers selected randomly of SAMB library users. Total 225 questions were distributed in Main Library and Bachelor’s Library for period 15- 20th April 2019. Only 198 (88%) questionnaires have been returned. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables and charts such as histograms, pie-charts, clustered bars using Microsoft office word and excel. Twelve literatures have been reviewed. The major finding of this study shows that 98% users said library is necessary for library users. There are 97% books, 0.03% newspaper, 0.98% journal, 1.86% Audio and Video and 0.07% theses. The available resources are not enough. The library has less newspaper and thesis compare to users. 81.99% students are as the library users. Library users are not satisfied by present book borrowing period and number of books issued. 37.5% users have not attended library orientation class. 45.4% users visit the library for borrowing books. 41.86% respondents said that library catalogue is very good. 58.09% users were satisfied with number of loan books. Only 42.92% users were satisfied with number of loan periods. Respondents gave first priority on textbook. One-third users are familiar with classification & shelving system of the library. 53.03% respondents are not satisfied in collection of the library whereas 28.78% respondents expressed there is sufficient materials. Only 32.82%users are satisfied with use the ICT for the purpose of research.16.9% users said references services are excellent. This study recommended that adding more books. Library orientation should be more emphasis and includes ICT accessibility. Library should extend number of books regularly.