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    E-Resource :As its application and user satisfaction in selected medical libraries with in Kathmandu valley
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2016-04-08) Sharma, Anil Raj; Aryal, Bishnu Prasad
    This thesis entitled “E-RESOURCES: AS ITS APPLICATION AND USER SATISFACTION IN SELECTED MEDICAL LIBRARIES WITHIN KATHMANDU VALLEY” has been carried out to fulfil the partial requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Science. An attempt was done to explore the status of core medical e-resource used in the medical libraries within Kathmandu valley. It tried to identify the weaknesses and strength of medical libraries in acquiring and handling e-resources efficiently as per users’ request and interest. Similarly, user behaviour and satisfaction were also studied. The main focus of this study was to find out the Internet sites that are providing e-resources need of our medical professionals. This study has been divided into six chapters, first chapter dealt with background information, second chapter dealt with literatures in relevant subjects, third chapter dealt with focus of the study; here different e-resources as well as the medical libraries under study were examined. Fourth chapter dealt with research methodology used to carry out the survey. The analyses of data obtained were presented in tabular form, charts, and figures where necessary for clarity. Sixth chapter dealt with summary, conclusion, and recommendations. Medical libraries of five medical colleges within Kathmandu valley were chosen for the study. The population were users of those medical libraries who visited library during the period of March 4 and March 29, 2016 and were either postgraduate students or above. Two different sets of questions were prepared, one for librarians and another for users. One hundred questions were sent for users, altogether 76 users filled up the questionnaire and returned back. The information thus obtained, entered in IBM SPSS v20 for analysis and MS Excel 2007 to create figures for clarity. According to the findings, medical libraries under study were found to be adequately equipped with necessary computer hardware, software and Internet speed to locate and download medical e-resources with support from IT professional. However, most of the librarians lacked knowledge about available e-resources. Financially, nothing had been invested beside infrastructure i.e. computer and Internet. vi The users were observed to be aware in e-resources. Among them 42.1% visited library to use e-resources, 40.8% responded that they posses satisfactory online searching skills. For e-resources use, 32.9% felt considerable use while same percent used print and e-versions equally. Most of users used to visit Google or Google Scholar to find and locate medical articles. The students preparing for dissertation and those wanting to become abreast in one’s field used e-resources most. Few of them were using it for treatment of patient as well. For medical articles users used to visit PubMed, Google / Google Scholar, HINARI, Medscape and UpToDate sites most. For e-books they look for free e-book provider, torrents, and HINARI the most. The format and device of choice were; PDF at 93.4% and PC or laptop computer and smartphone/tablets both are at 60.5%. For the inhibiting factors, 84.0% felt subscription to access, insufficient e-resources (60.0%), lack of knowledge about tools & technology and proper guidance were also blamed. The problems for its usage were observed to be unavailability of needed material (63.2%) and insufficient e-resources in subject of interest (63.2%). It was observed that users are not relying only on library computers, in fact they are bringing their own devices to use in quiet space of library. Majority of users (43.4%) are just satisfied followed by 23.7% poorly satisfied with the e-resources provided through library. This indicates that the users are not well satisfied by the e-resources they are getting. In the summary, the librarian and the users both needed exposure and training in e-resources availability and usability. Since not all of databases can be subscribed, subscribing the needed databases through consortium and resource sharing through network have been recommended to use it cost effectively. Free Wi-Fi Internet, quiet space, and uninterrupted electricity was what users were expecting from libraries, therefore, it is recommended too. Keywords: e-resource, Internet, medical libraries
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    Factors influencing student user success in an academic digital library environment
    (Central Department of Library and Information Science, 2016-08-14) Karki, Kabita
    The thesis entitled “Factors influencing student user success in an academic digital library environment”. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has brought dramatic changes in efficient control for information storage, processing and dissemination in library system environment. The purpose of this study is to find out student user uses of digital library services offered by TUCL and also to know are they familiar with searching of new technology. Survey method was used for the study. A purposive sampling technique was applied for the study. Only those users were selected to fill-up the questionnaire who were the members of digital library. A close ended questionnaire were distributed to them. A thirty six sets of questionnaire were distributed to users out of which nineteen is completely responded by respondents. The findings of this study indicate that most of the users view their library as an electronic resourceful library. The most of the student users are in favour of digital library environment (94.74%), and agrees that digital library environment helps them to get academic success. The most used search engine by users are google (68.42%) and Mozilla Firefox (31.58%). Although users have positive attitude towards digital library services but the users are unaware of all the services offered by digital library to them. So, they need proper guidance on how to access available resources and they also need more collection of national and international e-resources. Majority of the users visit digital library for research purpose and want to access thesis, journals, articles and reports. So, the digital library should collect research report, scholarly journal and related materials of the latest date to satisfy the information needs of the users. Kabita Karki M. Lib. Inf. Sc
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    “Usability of Open Source Software, WordPress for Creating Websites”,
    (2016) Lamichhane, Prajana; Pro.Dr.Mohan Raj Pradhan
    The thesis entitled Usability of Open Source Software in creating Website is to know the usability of WordPress for creating websites. The specific objective of this thesis is to identify the common understanding and attitude of WordPress,to identify use and adoption of OSS WordPress, and to know the technical configuration to be used in creating website. The purpose of this thesis is to study, investigate open source cms ‘WordPress’. The research is divided into two complementary parts: theoretical part and analytical part. The theoretical part mainly describes open source software, content management systems, WordPress, usability and the evaluation methods. The analytical part is to compare and analyze the results found from the empirical research. Heuristic evaluation method was used to measure usability problems in the interfaces. The study is fairly limited in scope; eight tasks were designed and implemented in each interface for discovering defects in the interfaces. Usability problems were rated. Time it took by each task, level of problem’s severity and type of heuristics violated were recorded, analyzed and compared. The results of this study indicate that the comparing systems provide usable interfaces. System usefulness, Information quality and overall usefulness of the system is measured and found WordPress as the most usable system for the professional staff lacking programming skill. The results of this study indicate that, there are some areas that contain barriers to learn Wordpress. Therefore, tools are needed to assist the learning process. Two potential tools are a user’s guide and the other is curriculum. A user’s guide or manual would be an effective way to encompass an extremely comprehensive set of instructions.
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    “Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Professional Development of Library Professional in the Universities of Nepal”
    (2016) Poudel, Sandhaya; Pro.Dr.Mohan Raj Pradhan
    The thesis entitled "Impact of Information communication Technology in the libraries of three universities of Nepal"; Tribhuwan University (TU), Kathmandu University (KU) and Pokhara University (PU). As we know that there are not much study conducted to measure the effect of information communication technologies (ICT) on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities. Hence this study was assigned majorly for; i) depth assessments of universities by examining capacity of university Libraries and ii) to examine the professionals growth of librarian and library professional. During this study primary data was collected, studied, analyzed to draw the findings. Primary data were collected by questionnaires which was processed using Microsoft Excel. The results from analysis show that TU has sufficient professional staffs as compared to KU and PU. The library members in TU were 10000, 2800 in KU and 3195 in PU. Different variety of books were found in library of TU including international journals (15000) meanwhile variety of books and journals are less in KU and PU. KOHA, D SPACE software are used in TU. Soul has been used by KU and Libra has been practiced at PU. Regarding ICT based service electronic and database have been used by all university libraries. Regarding the skill of professionals, most of professionals were aware with all new technologies such as internet, bar code scanner, and multimedia, however few of them found poor in web. Though the curriculum of library science seems satisfactory to most of the professionals, few of them recommend revising the curriculum by adding new software and data base for efficient service. Finally, it is recommended that new applications and findings of research based on ICT should be disseminated by TU conducting workshop and seminars so that all library professionals and students would have opportunity to learn new findings and to continue research.
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    Rural Public Library as Place in Far-Western Region
    (2016) Bist, Kumari Gita; Pro.Dr.Mohan Raj Pradhan
    The thesis entitled case study on “Rural Public Library as Place in FarWestern Region” of Nepal is focuses on the public libraries and its services in general. The thesis discusses on the study of two public libraries with five main objectives. One was to investigate types of users of public library. The second was to find out the perceptions of the users, regarding library services and amenities. Third was to identify the library layout and furnishing. The fourth objectives was to identify the role of public libraries in their communities. The last objective was to identify the building structure. The study relies on quantitative and qualitative data collected via surveys and interviews of library users, interviews of library public service staff members, structured observations of the people using the libraries, and analysis of selected documents. The two sets of questioners are distributed to library users and staffs in the research. The study finds that the libraries serve their communities as informational places and as familiarized localities, and that the libraries support the generation of social capital for their users. Data were collected from two populations: public library users and staffs of two public library in Far-western Region through questionnaire and face to face interview. The period of data collection was February 1 to April 30, 2016. 19 questionnaires were distributed to the population (14 were users and 5 were staffs). The PSPP (free version of the SPSS) program was used to analyze the data for the research questions collected through questionnaire. The research showed the public library concepts, services, impacts and its influence on the society of the far-western region. It was also studied the perceptions and thoughts of public library users and staffs to investigated their familiarity with library uses. The library users were of different age groups having different academic qualification. Most of the library users have done Intermediate levels (57.14%) and bachelor’s degree (14.29%) in SMPL and 100% users were bachelors in KJ. Only 28.57% users were Masters in SMPL. Regarding the language of the library users, most of the adult library users (85.71%) speak Nepali and the rest of them (14.29%) speak their own mother tongues.
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    (2016) Chaudhary, Binita; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    The thesis entitled “Use of Electronic Resources and Its Impact: a Study of Social Science Baha Library Users” has been carried out to find out role of SSBL in providing access to scholarly e-resources for the fulfillment of scholarly information needs of the library users. It includes electronic data available by remote access and direct access. The objective of the study is to the use of electronic resources and its impact. Review of eleven different international literatures related to this topic has been done. This study is descriptive and users – based survey. This study studies specialized users inside Social Science Baha library. The primary data are collected through field survey, using the questionnaire. For collecting the required data for the study, 40 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and only 30 of them were returned by the users. Among them, researcher scholars 8 (26.67%), students 18 (60%), faculty members 4 (13.33%). The major findings of this research are: all library users are aware of electronic resources of the library; JSTOR is nominated as the most used electronic resource by most of the library users 20 (66.67%). The study concludes that the use of electronic resources is common among library users, electronic resources service provided by the library is good and most library users are satisfied, benefitted with current available electronic resources in the library. However, there still prevails some weakness which was found in the study. The study recommends for conducting training program every library users in learning about the use of electronic resources, subscribing more electronic resource keeping in mind the priorities and preferences of users to high the level of electronic resources and to cover more subject/work, upgrading band width of internet to access electronic resources and avoid slow download them facilitating for accessing back issues of electronic resources, helping library users personally to reduce difficulty in finding relevant information, encouraging HINARI, ORAE, EBSCO host, Emerald insight, Oxford journals, Cambridge journals, DELNET are also encouraged to use
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    “Status of Circulation Section in Kathmandu University Central Library’’
    (2016) Chhetri, Uma Kumari Poudel; Yajya Raj Bhatta
    The thesis entitled “Status of Circulation Section in Kathmandu University Central Library” is to understand about important aspect of the library circulation section. This study, the statement of the problem is opening hour of the library circulation, lack of modern library technology and overdue book charge. The objective of this study is to identify on how Kathmandu University Central Library’s circulation section provides services to its users. The research is focused on circulation section of Kathmandu University Central Library only, not overall aspect of library. The scope of this study is PG students from academic departments (SOS & SOE) of the University. The study has great signification to know the present status of circulation system of KUCL and to find out the problem faced by PG students, the Central Campus (KU) of Dhulikhel. Review of 12 different national and international literature related to this topic has been done. The study was done in 46 respondents. The questionnaire was used for the data collection. In this study simple mathematical interpretation (quantitative) was adopted. The primary data have been tabulated and presented in pie-chart for understanding the result and to arrive at conclusion. The study indicates that the majority of students (users) like to use computer database searching method in central library in Kathmandu University. Amount of information received from available sources and users view towards increasing overdue charge. However the majority of students believe that KUCL does not have sufficient collection that meets their needs and facing problems in KUCL while searching for different library materials. Each and every student was aware with the circulation rules and regulation of the library. More computers with good condition should be added for e-mail and internet. Library should provide effective orientation to the new users. Library should provide adequate and latest materials of user’s subject field in circulation section. Library opening time should be increased. Library should make available of the on line free reading materials for the users. All the students should be made familiar with the due clearance certificate. Uma Kumari Paudel Chhetr
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    (2016) Shrestha, Bishnu Maya; Yajya Raj Bhatta
    This thesis entitled "REFERENCE SERVICES: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES OF LALITPUR" has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master in Library and Information science. The main objective of this study is to examine and analyze the present existing situation, condition of the two academic libraries reference services and their management for effective organization. The studies mainly focus on reference services only. Altogether 20 literatures reviewed for making conceptual framework for thesis, this literature has limitation of sufficient citation of the literature on related topic. A simple random sampling method has been employed for sampling purpose. Two set of structured questionnaire, for the students and the library staff have been used for the collection of data. A total of 120 questionnaires have been distributed among the users of the two campuses, 96 questions have been returned by 90 students and 6 staff. According to the findings of the research, most of the respondents view that the collections of the documents in the library are inadequate. Most of the users are not satisfied with less number of copies of documents and new editions. 32% of HCE library users and 17.5% NCE library users visited library for studying reference books. Most of the users visit library to borrow the textbooks. 11.11% users visit library for study journal and newspapers. Most of the HCE and NCE library users visit library once in three month. More than 70% users use reference textbooks in library. Almost users response that reference materials available in the library are previous edition. More than 70% students are unknown about cataloguing and classification system. Modern computerization and online services are the main problem for the users without which the users cannot get effective information. The library should provide efficient library services up to user's satisfaction. These libraries should recruit professional librarians, have sufficient budget and sufficient furniture. These libraries should improve their conditions regarding internet facilities, acquiring new documents and need to be carried out positive attitude of the library users in the existing campus library. It is recommended to provide library orientation to the new users for searching the library materials. Bishnumaya Shrestha
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    (2016) Dhakal, Kumar Dhambar; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    The study entitled “Users’ Satisfaction of Surkhet Campus (Education) Library, Surkhet”. Surkhet Campus (Education) Library, Surkhet has been selected for this study. The main objective of this study was to find out the users’ satisfaction level of library services in Surkhet Campus (Education) Library, Surkhet. Related literature including the Academic library and thesis on Campus library are reviewed.The data has been collected through questionnaire, check list and structural interview. Questionnaire was used for students and teacher to find out level of satisfaction of services provided in the library, check list was used for finding the status of the library and structural interview was used for library staff to find out other information of campus library related to the topic in question. For collecting the required data for the study, 220 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and only 164 of them were returned by the users. The findings show that 72.45% users were found to be using the library. The library is opened Sunday to Friday and closed on Saturday and public holidays. The majority of the users 48.17% have visited library weekly. Different users visited library for different purpose but most of the users visit library for borrowing textbooks and for reference service. Users were satisfied with the help offered by the library staffs to search documents from the library. Most of users were not satisfied from the library rules and regulations. The use of computer (ICT) services for searching materials was not found satisfactory in the library but users were satisfied with free web/Internet service available there. Cataloguing and classification scheme system have not been used in library but documents have been classified subject-wise and level-wise in the library. The major problem of the library is that trained menpower and few semi/non-professional staffs are working in library and also no new (ICT) computer technology has been utilized for the library management. Library provided only user education about; rules and regulation of library and provided how to search document in the library. The library should add sufficient documents, need to upgrade facilities such as drinking water, photocopy service, catalogue service, comfortable furniture, computerized library system, improve the duration of staying time of users and employ trained/ professional manpower for effective library services.
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    (2016) Manandhar, Prabin; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    The dissertation entitled “STATUS AND SERVICES OF GEMS COLLEGE LIBRARY”. GEMS College Library has a vital role in the education. In the ICT era, the role of library and Librarian are increasing. Both in online and offline has made both Library professionals and user confused to locate appropriate information as and when required. The main objectives of the study are to find the present status of the library, how the library attracts the users towards the GEMS College library. The scope of the study is to define the current library system of the GEMS College. This study is limited within the graduate level students of the three respective faculty taken under study i.e., Science, Management and A level within the GEMS College library which is situated in Dhapakhel- Lalitpur. The study has been carried out among the students belonging to the academic year 2015/ 2016. Different national and international literatures have been reviewed during the study. There is not enough literature regarding the College library. The focus of the study is on GEMS College library. This is a descriptive type of research. This study is both primary and secondary data have been collected, interpreted, analyzed and some logical conclusion have also have been made. The students and teachers are the main users of the GEMS College library From this study I can recommend that, Promoting of users for use of internet in Libraries, more numbers of terminals of computer systems to be provided. GEMS colleges should establish their database and content them online to access their resources. From the study there is not enough collection of literature document. The number of users are increasing so library place should be expand. Photocopy is done inside the library therefore it create some noises so it should be shift from there. In this context, the objective of the study is to find out, compare and analyze the facilities and the services provided by the library. The study also aims to work out the practical solutions for their improvement.
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    (2016) Aryal, Indra; Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
    This thesis entitled “Information Seeking Behaviors of Doctors and Medical Students of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH)” has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements of the Degree of Masters of Humanities and Social Sciences in Library and Information Science. This study is focused on the TUTH Library and their respective users. The main objectives of the study were to find out information seeking behavior of doctors and medical students. The study helped in finding out the situation of the library and recognizing the problems and their solutions. It will also be helpful in the future in managing the library in a more scientific way. A set of structured questionnaire was developed for the purpose of collecting data from the library users i.e., doctors and medical students. The questionnaire contained subjective as well as objective queries. With the help of the structured questionnaire primary data was collected. Only those questionnaires which were completely filled up were included for analysis. Major findings of the study are, inadequate health information, lacking development in health information, electronic sources i.e., Internet, Pub Med used in TUTH for health information seeking resources are satisfactory, some of doctors are found the use library only for exam purpose. Majority of the respondents are of the opinion that staff and computers are lacking in the library. Majority of the users reported to get the information directly from book racks. Regarding E-resources, majority of doctors found to be using HINARI, Pub Med, Medline, PopLine and some other Journals along with DOAJ, AsiaJOL, NepJOL and others. Among the major recommendations - adequate health info should be provided by the library to its users as per their needs, adequate electronic sources should be provided in the library to access the required health information, access to HINARI should be made available directly from the library, high speed internet should be made available in the library, the library should use appropriate library software, the library should have a good infrastructure, IT training should be provided to all library staff. E-books and online resources should be added in the collection. Key words: e-resource, Internet, medical libraries
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    (2016) Gautam, Sarita; Pro.Dr. Mohan Raj Pradhan
    Application of the Web 2.0 tools in the libraries makes its services more interactive. Web 2.0 tools are the networking based application tools to establish communication from one device to another. The thesis entitled “Web 2.0, Usage and self-efficacy: A study of Library Science Students and Professional Library Staff at Tribhuvan University Central Library of Nepal”. The research study had four main objectives. One was to investigate library science population and familiarity of concepts towards the Web 2.0 tools. The second objective was to identify the common understanding and attitudes of library science population towards the Web 2.0 tools and technologies. Third one was to identify the library science professionals’ and library science students’ learning mode of Web 2.0 and its usage and adoption. Several literatures written on Web 2.0 tools/ applications, its usage and its application on libraries have been reviewed. Data were collected from two populations: library science professionals at TUCL and library science students of T.U. through questionnaire and face to face interview. The period of data collection was February – March 30, 2016. Descriptive statistics was used to organize, summarize and present the data. All together 25 questionnaires were distributed to the population and the response rate was 100%. The research project was designed to explore the perceptions of library professionals of T.U. towards the usage of Web 2.0 tools and services. It investigated their familiarity with Web 2.0 tools, concepts, services, and usefulness to develop their self- efficacy and also explored the barriers in their usage. The majority of the respondents were female (60%), age group from 21-30 (52%), master degree holders (56%) and from library science students (60%). The study revealed that respondents had general level of understanding and usage of Web 2.0 tools in their field. The respondents (100%) agreed that the application of Web 2.0 tools were helpful to develop their self –efficacy and provide interactive library services. Lack of technical iii knowledge provided by the course content of the library science education of TU Central Department and Information Science for the use of web 2.0 applications is found as a most inhibiting barrier in the library science field. Last, but not least, it has attempt to find the changing trend of usage of Web 2.0 tools of the library science populations. According to the findings, most of the library science populations define the Web 2.0 tools according to their need and capabilities. Most of them (88%) think that Web 2.0 tools are social networking tools. In these sense, the general concepts and perceptions towards Web 2.0 tools are very low. It also found that the majority didn’t use some of the interactive Web 2.0 tools and services. Usage of web 2.0 tools between library science professionals and students are found some how different. Lack of the know-how and technical knowledge could be another reason for the low use of Web 2.0 tools and services in the library science fields. Finally, the recommendation is made that; Library Science Education should integrate the Web 2.0 applications in teaching the IT course. Hands on practice workshops should be organized by the Central Department of Library Science and TUCL. In service training should be organized and Tribhuvan University Departmental Libraries should include the Web 2.0 components on their website. Sarita Gautam (Exam Symbol No: 02680) Kirtipur, Nepal
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    (2016) Thapa, Arjun; Dr. Madhusudan Karki
    This thesis entitled “USERS STUDY OF KATHAMANDU MEDICAL COLLEGE (KMC) LIBRARY’’ has been carried out to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of MLISc (T.U). The statement of the problem is that whether the Users’ are satisfied or not with the library resources and services. The objective of this study to find out frequency of library use, propose of library visit, evaluate of ICT facility, determine the level of satisfaction on library resource/services, including users’ needs, priorities of library materials, and suggestion to improve library services. In this research 26 questionnaires in a set were distributed on the basis of classification of four users group: PG, MBBS, BDS and BSc Nursing students selected randomly of KMC library users. Total 224 questionnaires were distributed equally in basic and clinical library on 15-30th April 2016. Only 183 (81.70%) questionnaires have been returned. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables and charts such as histograms, pie-charts, clustered bars using IBM SPSS statistics version 20, Microsoft office word and excel. More than fifty literatures have been reviewed (research paper, online journals, related websites and books) for completing this study. The major finding of this study shows that 98% users said library is necessary for medical users. 45.4% users visit the library for borrowing books. 54.64% respondents gave first priority on textbook. 74% users are familiar with classification & shelving system. 70% users have not attended library orientation class. 73% users were dissatisfied with no. of loan books. 59.6% users prefer to read third world authors books. 73.77% users get help from library staffs. 56.8% users agree with fulfilling their needs. 77.6% users use the ICT for the purpose of research; they were given first choice to UpToDate database. 20.2% users were found to be highly satisfied with newspaper/magazine resources’. 5.5% users said references services are excellent It is highest responses among book bank, circulation, periodical, reprographic and OPAC/catalogue services. 90% users use the library less than 3 hour while they visited library. This study recommended that adding more book bank facilities, high bandwidth internet, improved reprography & physical facility. Library should be automated, number of book borrowing should be provided according to the needs of users.