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A study on activity, Impact and future score of society for Kathmandu valley public library

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Central Department of library and information science


The thesis entitled ""A Study on Activity, Impact and Future Scope of Society for Kathmandu Valley Public Library" by Akarshan Pradhan deals about the scope, impact and sustainable issues of the public library in Nepal. It is completely nerv concept and literature to the quality of libraries because no more studies have been seen in this field. The main objectives of this study are as follows: a. To determine the long-term scope of the SKVPL. b. To determine the effective service and activities of the SKVPL to serve to the community, readers, researchers and users. c. To identify the impact of SKVPL for effective and efficiently provide its service to the community, readers, researchers and users. Related 16 literatures have been reviewed in the concerned chapter. The study has focused on the SKVPL. The sample of population is taken 100 and 75 respondents gave their answers to make the research more uniform and valuable. The researcher has used a set of questionnaires, interview and observation as his basic instruments of research. The questionnaire has 3 sections and 74 questions including a cover letter clarifying about the work. Section one consists of personal information of respondents, section two consists about information collection, section three consists information services provided by libraries. The methodologies used to conduct the research are direct field observation and structured questionnaire. The collections of primary data have been analyzed quantitatively by using statistical tools such as: tabulation. The majority finding of the study shows information being served by the library. The major findings of the study are mentioned in the following statement: a. Develop and implement the long-term strategic plan of library The SKVPL should develop a long-term strategic plan where SKVPL identify future directions that reflect the key roles and values of today's users, suitable for a community of the proposed size and location such as Kathmandu valley. In short, the iv scope'plan establishes a collective community vision for library services, programs, and facilities in the city of Kathmandu. Specifically, the scope or plan builds upon the goals, directions, and initiatives identified by the SKVPL by developing action plans to ensure that the right services are being provided to a growing population. An emphasis is placed on developing a pragmatic 3- Year Action Plan that identifies high priority initiatives (including costs, timing, funding sources, and staffing/resourcing); however, a longer view to the year 2014 is taken where necessary. A mission statement is a clear, concise, and realistic observation of the Library's reason for being. It should be referenced when making important decisions about what activities and services to provide, what markets to serye, what new initiatives to focus on, what partners to co-operate with, what to emphasize in developing a collection policy, and so on. It can create clarity, inspire and motivate volunteers and staff, and create unity, particularly if it has been put together with the assistance of staff and board members. b. Serve effective service and activities to the communitv. readers. researchers and users. The SKVPL should serve to the community, readers, researchers and users through effective service and activities. Some roles of SKVPL's are as follows: Popular Materials Library - The Llbrary features current, high demand, high interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages, abilities, and cultural heritages. Life-long Learning Centre - The Library supports a sustained program of formal and informal learning for individuals of all ages, abilities, and cultural heritages. A special emphasis is placed on encouraging young children to develop an interest in reading and learning. The Library also serves as a major resource of local history collections and services. Vitual Portal - The Library provides a means by which patrons can access information from a wide variety of electronic sources, including databases and the Internet. Service-Oriented Library - The Llbrary actively provides timely, accurate, and useful information and on-site resources for community residents in their pursuit of personal and job-related interests. Broker / Link to other Resources - Through partnerships with other agencies and organizations, the Library is a clearinghouse for current information on community services, issues, and events. Community Gathering Place - The Library is a central focus for community activities, meetings, and programs. c. Provide effective and efficient service to the community, readers, researchers and users. The SKVPL should observe, monitor and its effectiveness, impact and improving of the service to the community, readers, researchers. The SKVPL should follow following things: Library Board and Administration should take responsible for strategic planning, short and long-term planning, policy development, budget, and personnel management. Circulation Section should take responsible for public service delivery (inter-library loan, patron registration, circulation of materials, telephone renewals and notices, and fines/fees). Information Services Section should take responsible for public service delivery (information requests, reader's advisory, research assistance, Internet training, equipment use, collection management, training, programming, early literacy promotion, and outreach). Technical Services & Systems should develop, create and take responsible for acquisitions, processing, cataloguing, periodical management, and database management. Systems is also responsible for maintaining the Library's automated system, including hardware, software, workstations, printers, computer security, PC's, LAN,WAN, and telecommunications system.



Library, . Public Library


Pradhan ,Akarshan (2014).A study on activity, Impact and future score of society for Kathmandu valley public library.[Master's Thesis,Tribhuvan University].TUCDLIS elibrary.https://elibrary /