Nyaichyai, LilaManandhar, NiraGautam, SaritaSingh, SanjeevPaudel, KishorAdhikari, NirmanKayestha, Prabina2023-04-202023-04-202023-02-01https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14573/316Tri-annualIt gives us enormous pleasure in putting before you the 1st issue of the 2nd volume of CDLIS Bulletin. We are pleased by the responses received on various issues of 1st volume. We would like to thank all those, who provide us with continuous and valuable feedback and comments, which always help to inspire us. Te highlight of this issue is that it includes an interview with a well-known historian of Nepal, Mahesh Raj Pant. Tis issue also includes the articles written as experience gained by students during the short visit to various kinds of libraries in Kathmandu valley through observation and interaction with the various literary works compiled by faculties and students. It is hoped that its contents will contribute to the literature on Library and Information Science. It also further aims at offering a knowledge and information-sharing platform for the CDLIS onlookers as well as encouraging the students to develop their writing skills by engaging them in producing different types of writing rather than classroom activities. It aims to shape students’ opinions and views on different topics. CDLIS bulletin always welcomes articles from LIS professionals, academics, researchers, alumni students, and ofcials beyond the students and faculties of CDLIS. We express our cordial gratefulness to the authors of the articles and other contributors to this issue from the side of the editorial teamLibrary visitsacademic libraryCommunity libraryRatna LibraryTITI knowledge centerCDLIS BulletinOther