Nyaichyai, LilaManandhar, NiraGautam, SaritaAdhikari, PremSingh, Girha ManAdhikari, Indra PrasadPaudel, KishorSanjeev, SinghMaharjan, NirjalaSharma, PoojaAdhikari, Bindu2022-09-152022-09-152022-082961-1911https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14573/271Quarterly bulletin published by CDLISJuly 14, 2022, was the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Central Department of Library and Information Science, TU. CDLIS celebrated and evaluated on that very day. For us, it is more than merely counting the years. It unveiled the progress that the department had made and gaps that required address in the coming days.27th annual dayCentral Department of Library and Information ScienceReading habitsLibrarianshipLibrary classificationInformation literacyDigital literacyBook reviewCreative academy libraryPreservationCDLIS BulletinOther