Giri, MamtaManandhar, Nira2023-03-022023-03-022023-01Giri, Mamta(2023).Role of prison library :A study of surkhet district prison library [Masters thesis, Tribhuvan University ].TUCDLIS e-library. https://elibrary thesis entitled “Role of prison library: a study of Surkhet district prison library" has been carried out to find out the significant roles of prison library on inmates and the status of Surkhet district prison library. The statement of the problem is that information service is the right of every individual including the incarcerated person this right is also secured on prison act 2020 also, who committed the crime intentionally or unintentionally need to transform, and reform their behavior and mindset for well-being in future life after being released or even in incarcerated period. We have to pay attention on role of the library for an incarcerated person. The study has main two objectives; To explore the role of prison libraries and to find out the current status of the Surkhet district prison library. Due to the time limitation and financial limitation study was limited into only one district prison of Nepal. This study was presented in 5 chapter. The study adopted mix method research design. Data were collected by using questionnaire and Interview and observation method in this research, total of 50 inmates were selected as sample respondents by purposive sampling procedure a total 50 set of questionnaire which contain 11 question for inmates were distributed and 23 questions are asked for interview to the official person of prison and observation. A total of 50 inmates were selected for sampling by purposive sampling method. It was found that almost all inmates use the library and the main purpose of visiting the library is most of the inmates are interested to know related laws or acts, some are using the Library for legal information, entertainment, and to divert their minds toward religious beliefs. The inmate also agreed that the library helps them to pass time, and stay calm and stress-free, library uses has encouraged them to do creative work and have a positive feeling for the future. Finally, the study reveals that the library plays a significant role in the incarcerated period of prisoners. Hence, the related authority should give special attention to establishing and improving libraries, library sources, and services in Prison. Study recommended that increase the collection according to inmates need, interest and belief with proper physical facilities. And also appoint one professional librarian for provide library service and reference serviceenSpecial libraries researchRole of prison library :A study of surkhet district prison libraryThesis