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Authors: Chaudhary, Binita
Advisor(s): Mr.Bhim Dhoj Shrestha
Issue Date: 2016
Keywords: Electronic Resources
Pages: 91
Abstract: The thesis entitled “Use of Electronic Resources and Its Impact: a Study of Social Science Baha Library Users” has been carried out to find out role of SSBL in providing access to scholarly e-resources for the fulfillment of scholarly information needs of the library users. It includes electronic data available by remote access and direct access. The objective of the study is to the use of electronic resources and its impact. Review of eleven different international literatures related to this topic has been done. This study is descriptive and users – based survey. This study studies specialized users inside Social Science Baha library. The primary data are collected through field survey, using the questionnaire. For collecting the required data for the study, 40 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and only 30 of them were returned by the users. Among them, researcher scholars 8 (26.67%), students 18 (60%), faculty members 4 (13.33%). The major findings of this research are: all library users are aware of electronic resources of the library; JSTOR is nominated as the most used electronic resource by most of the library users 20 (66.67%). The study concludes that the use of electronic resources is common among library users, electronic resources service provided by the library is good and most library users are satisfied, benefitted with current available electronic resources in the library. However, there still prevails some weakness which was found in the study. The study recommends for conducting training program every library users in learning about the use of electronic resources, subscribing more electronic resource keeping in mind the priorities and preferences of users to high the level of electronic resources and to cover more subject/work, upgrading band width of internet to access electronic resources and avoid slow download them facilitating for accessing back issues of electronic resources, helping library users personally to reduce difficulty in finding relevant information, encouraging HINARI, ORAE, EBSCO host, Emerald insight, Oxford journals, Cambridge journals, DELNET are also encouraged to use
Appears in Collections:Submission of 2016 A.D.

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